Thank you, Kim Bond Evans, Trice Johnson, Wen Dombrowski, and Frank Leyhausen for sharing your ideas and solutions to enable the powerful vision for an independent aging paradigm. The panel, “A Smart Aging Love Story for All Ages”, took place at SxSW on March 11, unfolding how smart homes, smart apps, cross-talking devices, and coordinated care would enable our choices of lifestyle in aging. Some of the high tech solutions (e.g. remote health monitoring, memory aids) exist today and continue to evolve and enrich at a rapid pace. The low tech solutions, such as roommates for seniors, toy pet companions, and coordination of healthcare enabled by healthcare insurance providers also exist and continue to become more feature-rich. Target market reach and uptake remain a major challenge. Education of seniors aboit the solutions that are available must become a major goal. With continuing advances in tech, platform cross-talk, and engagement solutions, the vision is sure to become a reality. A hologram doctor visit, anyone?